Wednesday, August 13, 2014

News Report Example | News Report Sample

News Report Example | News Report Sample
Reports sent to newspapers to be published are entitled news reports. A news report should have the following parts:

(1) Title
(2) Reporter's name
(3) Place and date
(4) Lead paragraph
(5) Story
(6) Background
(7) Comments

However, the above structure is not mandatory for all news reports. But to have lead paragraph and story is mandatory for all news reports. Some examples of news reports have been given below.

News Report Example: 1
News report on eve-teasing in your locality.

Eve-teasing in Mymensingh

Kamrul Islam, Mymensingh, 10 January:
In Mymensingh town, eve-teasing has become a common incident. It happens in buses, shopping arcades, cinema halls, shopping malls, restaurants, railway station, bus terminals and every other place, but the places where it happens with an alarming frequency on the ways to schools and colleges.

Some young boys and youths in this town always tease the college going girls on their way to college and back home. A sly whistle, a wink, a lingering look, a vulgar stare, a well-timed clap, a seemingly casual touch at vulnerable time, the humming of a song, cheap gestures—all these are typical examples of eve-teasing.

Sometimes, they utter very objectionable words against the girls. Sometimes they throw pieces of paper and flowers at them. On those pieces of papers, they write names of some girls proposing for marriage. These culprits sometimes spit at them and laugh at them and even stand on their way to college obstructing their movement.

In such a difficult situation, the girls feel insecure to go to college and back home. Some girls have already stopped going to college for fear of any mishap. Many girls suffer from mental agonies which they cannot share with anybody.

The parents of the girls expect that the government will take stern action against the culprits and deploy police at different points on the way to schools and colleges to catch the culprits red handed.

News Report Example: 2
News report on devastating flood in your locality.

Flood situation worsened in Mymensingh

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, 25 August:
Continuous and torrential rain for the last few weeks has worsened the flood situation of Mymensingh district.

The flood affected areas are now in great distress. People have lost their dwellings, crops and properties. They are now living at the mercy of the nearby people who are affected.

In such a miserable situation, the Prime Minister came to visit the flood affected villages of Mymensing yesterday. She reached the areas by helicopter. She landed on the Mymensing Zilla School ground where people of all walks came to receive her, see her and take relief goods from her.

The honourable Prime Minister distributed relief goods and cash money among the victims. She also consoled the people, urging them to face the disaster with courage and patience.

People were happy to see govt. representatives by their side. They expressed their deep gratitude to the Prime Minister and prayed for her long life.

News Report Example: 3
News report on the rise of prices of essentials commodities in markets.

Price-hike of essential commodities

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, 25 August:
Recently the prices of essentials especially rice, groceries, and vegetables have gone up beyond the purchasing capacity of the common people.

The soaring price hike has already made the life of people intolerably difficult. No one knows what their budget will be in the next month or week.

The shop keepers give lame excuses for this price hike. In fact, the syndicates or the hoarders are deliberately creating this nuisance. If the situation continues, the people of low income group will not be able to buy their daily necessaries and undergo untold sufferings.

However, strict measures should be taken by the government to curb the hoarders' ill motive which creates artificial crisis of essentials commodities.

The common people expect that the authority concerned will look into the matter and take strict measures to keep the prices of essential commodities under control.

News Report Example: 4
News report on gender discrimination in Pakistan.

Gender discrimination in Pakistan

Kamrul Islam, Lahore, 25 August:
In modern time gender discrimination is not accepted at all. It creates hindrance on the path of development of any country.

However, gender discrimination begins at birth in Pakistan and women are the worst sufferers of it. There are many reasons behind this gender discrimination in Pakistan. One of the main reasons is that most parents want to have children so that they can supplement their family income and help with the household chores.

In the existing socio-economic set up of our country, male children are very useful for this purpose. So, girls are born in an unwelcome world. They grow up in an unwelcome situation and they are confined to domestic chores. They are deprived of the light of education and their social rights and basic needs. Besides, the parents in Pakistan believe that their main task in life is to prepare their daughter for marriage and child bearing.

This outlook of the parents of Pakistan should be changed. They should be given to understand that there is no difference between a boy and a girl child. So, they should be treated equally. The parents of Pakistan also should bear in mind that girls can do what boys can do in this modern world.

In fact, if their girls are educated and equally treated, they can possibly do much better than their male children.

News Report Example: 5
News report on the birth anniversary celebration of Kazi Nazrul Islam (the national poet of Bangladesh).

Birth Anniversary of Nazrul Celebrated

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, 30 August:
The City College Literary Club yesterday celebrated 109th birth anniversary of the national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.

On the occasion, the college auditorium was decorated colourfully. The principal of the college presided over the function. The students and teachers of the college and some invited literary figures attended the celebration programme.

The function began with the recitation from the Holy Quran at 10 am in the morning. Then students, teachers and some guests delivered their speeches on the life and works of Nazrul Islam. After the speeches were over, some songs composed by Nazrul Islam were sung by local artists. After that there was a recitation competition among students of the poem called 'Bidrohi' by Nazrul Islam.

The programme came to an end at 1:00 pm with a speech of thanks to the literary club of the college, who organized the function, by the president.

News Report Example: 6
News report on the celebration of Pahela Baishakh in Bangladesh.

Pahela Baishakh Celebrated Across the Country

Kamrul Islam, Dhaka, 25 August:
Pahela Baishakh, the first day of the Bangla year of 1420, was celebrated across the country with much enthusiasm and festivity.

To welcome the New Year of the Bangla calendar, thousands of jubilant Bangalees attended different venues in the country and took part in the festivities. As the sun rose, the people from all walks of life rushed to the main venue at Ramna Batamul. With the Tagore song 'Esho Hey Baishakh Esho Esho', the day's program began at the Ramna Batamul as usual.

To mark the Bangla New Year, different socio-cultural and political organisations held various programmes in the city including cultural function, traditional functions, discussion meetings etc.
Fine Arts Institute of Dhaka University brought out the biggest colorful rally and paraded different important streets of the city. Jubilant people were found eating 'panta-ilish' a traditional delicious dish to mark the Bengali tradition.

Different organizations also arranged Baishakhi Mela at different places in the city as well as in the country. Some of those fairs will continue till the first week of Baishakh.

However, the day was celebrated with much festivity and joviality and people from all walks of life enjoyed the day very much.

News Report Example: 7
News report on massive fire in a slum.

Massive Fire in a slum

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, 25 February:
A massive fire broke out at midnight at a slum near Kamlapur and all the shanties in the slum were burnt to ashes within a few minutes.

It was learnt from the locals that the fire originated from the nearby transformer and it rapidly spread to the adjacent shanties. The fire burnt at least four people. Among them an old paralysed man died as he was seriously injured.

On information, the fire fighters reached the spot at about one hour later and succeeded in extinguishing the blaze with the help of the locals after two hours of their frantic efforts. A huge number of police and RAB also rushed to the spot and started rescue operation. Some people were injured while trying to extinguish the fire.

The slum dwellers have lost their valuables and savings in the fire and now living under the open sky. The extent of loss caused by the fire was estimated at taka ten million.  

News Report Example: 8
News report on a road accident which you witnessed.

5 killed, many injured in a Road Accident

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, 25 August:
A head on collision between a truck and a bus took place near Mymensing Medical College yesterday.

The witnesses said the accident occurred yesterday at 4.30 pm while a bus full of passengers was running to Dhaka. Suddenly a truck overloaded with logs of trees was rushing from the opposite direction and hit the head of the bus. The front part of the bus was smashed. Five persons including the driver died on the spot. The truck driver fled away at once leaving the truck on the street.

Soon after the accident, the locals rushed to the spot. They rescued the injured passengers and took them to Mymensingh Medical College Hospital. The injured passengers were released after giving first aid. After the accident police came and took the damaged bus under their custody. The dead bodies were sent to Mymensingh Medical College for autopsy.

However, a case was filed in this connection with the local police station.

News Report Example: 9
News report on the devastating drug addiction in your locality.

Desperate addiction to drugs in Mymensingh

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, 25 August:
Drug addiction has become a great nuisance at Baghmara in Mymensingh. It is consuming the lives of many innocent youths.

Reckless buying, selling and taking of morphine, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and yaba have become a casual incident in this locality. The police mysteriously remain idle. As a result, the number of drug addicts is on the rise. Most of the addicts are at their teenage.

Being frustrated, they are addicted to these fatal poisons. When these teenagers do not get money to buy drugs, they become ferocious. They misbehave with their parents for money. They have already deteriorated law and order situation in the locality by committing various crimes.

Under the above circumstances, the locals expect necessary measures from government.

News Report Example: 10
News report on Independence Day celebration.

The Independence Day celebrated across the country

Kamrul Islam, Mymensingh, December 17:
The 26th March, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, has been observed with due solemnity and much enthusiasm all over the country. The day was a public holiday.

In keeping with the age old tradition, the armed forces musicians performed in the open air at Bangabandhu National Stadium to entertain people. Naval ships were kept open for all. Freedom fighters were invited to the Bangabhaban and they were paid due respect and homage. Special dishes were served in prisons, orphanages and hospitals.

Different socio-cultural organizations and political parties drew up elaborate programmes to celebrate the day. The Victory Day procession was the main attraction of the day. A large number of people took part in the procession.

Bangladesh Television telecast various programmes highlighting the significance of the day.  National dailies brought out special supplements while Bangladesh Betar aired special programmes on the occasion. Shilpakala Academy, Jatiya Press Club, Bulbul Lalitakala Academy, Liberation War Museum and Bangladesh National Museum organised cultural functions on the occasion. 

News Report Example: 11
News report on 'Load-shedding' in your town/locality.

Power cut increases in Mymensingh

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, September 20:
Electricity is the driving force of modern civilization. But it has become a nuisance for the city dwellers of Mymensingh. Load-shedding occurs every now and then in the town.

At office hours it remains off. At night, the whole town is plunged into darkness. As a result, criminals take advantage of the darkness.

Locals complain that electricity nowadays remains by chance. Businessmen of the town inform us that they are facing heavy loss as they cannot run their business smoothly due to load-shedding. It also disturbs the study of the students. One of the students of Mymensingh Zilla School says "Our test exam is knocking at the door but I can’t take preparation well because of frequent power cut."

The authority concerned should take necessary measures to lessen the sufferings of the people of Mymensingh. Besides, awareness must be raised among the people to prevent the misuse of electricity.

News Report Example: 12
News report on the reception accorded to the GPA 5 recipients by the district administration.

The reception program of the GPA-5 holder

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, September 25:
A grand reception was given yesterday to the students of the districts who won GPA-5 at the last HSC examination. The reception programme arranged by the district administration was held in the district council auditorium.

The auditorium was decorated beautifully. The chief guest was the Deputy Commissioner. The elites of the city and the guardians were invited to attend the function. The students who secured GPA-5 were also present. They were welcomed with the petals of flowers. A crest and a certificate were given to each of the students.

The chief guest advised them to study more to make even better result in future. The programme was followed by a cultural function in which some noted singers sang melodious song.

News Report Example: 13
News report on falling sick after taking poisonous food.

Falling sick after taking poisonous food

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, September 25:
Over 50 persons of Rasulpur village under Gafargaon Upazilla fell sick after taking poisonous food in a marriage ceremony yesterday.

Of them 20 were admitted to Gafargaon Upzilla Hospital. Among them, the condition of four was critical. Others were given first aid locally and released.

It is learnt that while the guests of the ceremony were having curd at the end of the main feast, they smelt stinky, yet they had curd. After an hour of having meal, they began to feel pain in their stomachs and diarrhea attacked them.

The host was taken into custody and a case was filed in this connection with the local police station. The incident became a talk of the area throughout the day.

News Report Example: 14
News report on cultural function held at a college recently.

A cultural function held in A. M. College

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, September 25:
The cultural function of Govt. Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh was held in the college premises yesterday. It was a weeklong programme.

The principal of the college presided over the function. The local MP attended the function as the chief guest while the DC of Mymensingh was present as the special guest. Distinguished guests and the elite of the locality also attended the inaugural function.

The events of the week long programme included music, recitation, dance, storytelling, extempore speech, pantomime and chorus.

The chief guest in his speech highly appreciated the authority to arrange such a function and encouraged the students for their excellent performances.

The function was followed by the distribution of prizes and was concluded by staging a one act play written by Munir Chowdhury.

News Report Example: 15
News report on the negative impact of western culture.

Negative impact of western culture

Kamrul Islam, Mymensingh, September 25:
It is unfortunate that the western culture is taking roots in our culture and destroying our own culture, society and young generation gradually.

Today it is greatly influencing our young generation. Our young generation is now fond of western music, dresses and modes of life. They are forgetting our own culture. An interview among a group of 100 people aged 20-30 shows that the western culture telecast on different channels is leaving serious negative impact on our young generation.

As a result, they are drifting away from our own culture, music, entertainment and modes of life. Instead, they are following western modes of life. Besides, they are becoming aggressive watching western violent movies and fighting. Under the influence of the western culture, our own culture is being devalued and losing its appeal to the young generation.

So, effective measures should be taken in this regard to preserve our own culture and to save our young generation.

News Report Example: 16
News report on the Prize Giving Ceremony of a college.

Prize giving ceremony at Muminunnessa College, Mymensingh

Kamrul Islam, Mymensingh, September 25:
Prize giving ceremony of Mymensingh Muminunnessa College was held yesterday in the college compound. The honourable DC of Mymensingh was the chief guest.

It was a very happy occasion. The college campus was decorated with flags and colorful festoons. A large stage was erected and there the guests and the principal of the college took their seats. All the students, guardians, teachers and invited guests attended the function.
With arrival of the chief guest, the ceremony began with the recitation from the holy Quran. The principal delivered the inaugural speech and read out the annual report of the college. The champion of the annual sports was rewarded by the chief guest and the principal gave away all the other prizes among the other winners.

The chief guest delivered an instructive and didactic speech. His speech was highly educative and inspiring for the students. At last the principal declared the end of the function by thanking all. 

News Report Example: 17
News report on traffic jam in your locality.

Severe traffic jam at Jatrabari

Kamrul Islam, Dhaka, January 25:
The problem of traffic jam has become acute at Jatrabari in Dhaka. It becomes intolerable especially during the time of beginning of the schools, colleges and universities.

It happens when different vehicles especially rickshaws want to move ahead of each other. The construction work of flyover and violation of traffic rules are some other reasons of traffic jam in this locality.

People especially the service holders and students feel very helpless and they become frustrated when they get stuck in a traffic jam. Many people fail to attend their office in time. The worst victims are the patients carried in the ambulances to the hospitals and clinics. Rickshaw pullers also suffer a lot because they lose their valuable time moving very slowly towards their destination.

Following the traffic rules, reducing the number of rickshaws and above all growing public awareness are necessary for solving the problem of traffic jam.

The dwellers of this locality expect that the government and other authorities concerned would come forward immediately to solve this problem.

News Report Example: 18
News report on a fair held in your locality.

A joyful fair held in Mymensingh

Kamrul Islam, Mymensing, August 25:
The age old traditional village fair in Rasulpur was held yesterday with joy and spontaneous rhythm. The fair took place under the century old banyan tree.

Traders and craftsmen gathered there with their goods for sale. Magicians, snake charmers and sweet makers appeared and stayed in their tents at the fair place. Craftsmen came with their flutes, kites, potteries and toys. However, the fair was ready to be celebrated by the midday and merry makers started coming in flocks just when the sun is about to set. Men, women and children came and cheered with joy.

Flutes were played on; kites flew up in the sky. People enjoyed sweetmeats and bought household accessories. The magicians played amazing tricks and the snake charmers charmed the viewers with their skill. At the evening, the fair turned into a colorful pilgrimage.

However, it looked deserted after the hours of enjoyments and thrill was all over.

News Report Example: 19
News report on a massive fire in a garments factory.

A massive fire on Sun Moon garment factory

Kamrul Islam, Savar, February 25:
A massive fire broke out yesterday at a garment factory unit of the Sun Moon group at Ashulia, Savar leaving at least 8 people dead. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Smoke engulfed the whole building and the people inside the building could not come out in spite of their best efforts.

The Fire Brigade and Civil Defense rushed to the spot immediately to extinguish the fire. The Bangladesh Army and Bangladesh Air Force also sent their personnel and helicopters to rescue the people. Even the people of all walks of life joined the rescue operation spontaneously.

After working hard for nearly 8 hours the Fire Brigade and Civil Defense in collaboration with the other agencies succeeded in extinguishing fire.

In addition to eight dead, many were injured in the accident. The wounded were admitted to different hospitals and clinics of the city. The govt. has formed a three member Inquiry Committee to find out the cause of the fire.  

News Report Example: 20
News report on the ways of life of the slum dwellers.

The sufferings of the slum dwellers

Kamrul Islam, Dhaka, February 25:
About five lakh people lead inhuman life in different slums around the capital. The number of slum dwellers is increasing day by day.

When asked Nur Islam, from Kamlapur slum said that they had been suffering from various problems. They have no facility of pure drinking water, electricity, sewerage system. They pass their days amidst severe heat, biting cold and heavy rainfall. They live from hand to mouth.

Jarina Begum of Agargaon slum said that she and some of her neighbors were the victims of sexual repression. The local miscreants torture them. The criminals use the slums for taking drugs, selling drugs and doing other antisocial activities.

Most of the slum dwellers are rickshaw pullers, day labourers, hawkers etc. They are deprived of basic needs. There are no education facilities and treatment facilities for their children. So, the ways of their living are very miserable.

Proper steps should be taken by the government in this regard to minimize their sufferings.


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