Monday, August 18, 2014

Routine Requests For Catalogue and Price List

Routine Requests For Catalogue and Price List
As a supplier you may receive many letters of routine requests for sending catalogues and price lists. Unless the writer requests you to provide any information about your products, you need not reply to these letters in black and white. Instead, you may send the items requested with a 'with compliments' slip. The following two routine requests are examples for which written replies are not necessary.

Example: 1

Dear Sir/Madam

I would appreciate if you please send me a copy of your current catalogue and price list of refrigerators, along with the copies of any graphic leaflets that I could supply to prospective customers.

Yours sincerely

Kim Lan Anh

Example: 2

Dear Sir/Madam

I have seen one of your bedsteads in the flat of my neighbour and they passed on your address to me.

I would appreciate if you please send me a copy of your current catalogue and price list. I am especially interested in bedsteads suitable for a large room.

Yours sincerely

Mahmudul Hasan

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