Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Attending a Job Interview | Job Interview Etiquette

Attending a Job Interview | Job Interview Etiquette
At the time of a job interview you should give some positive attitudes to the interviewer. These are punctuality, neat physical appearance, cheerful expression, pleasant manners, present of mind, positive attitude, and a clear and confident voice. These would generate a receptive attitude towards you. As a result, you are likely to be listened to with greater interest and attention.  

The job interviews usually start with direct questions, seeking specific information about your qualifications, achievements, and experiences. This is done with a view to confirming the information of your resume and establishing a rapport for further interaction. After the introductory exchange, the interview process warms up and becomes more dynamic. At this stage open ended questions are usually asked to seek substantial information about the types of your courses, and the projects you did and to explain how they relate to your professional ambition. If you have some experiences, you may be required to describe it in terms of its relevance to the job you applied for. Some closed questions are usually asked before the ending of the interview. These questions are usually related to the time you would take in joining the post, the place of posting, the nature of appointment, and the salary expected.

However, some practical hints have been given below so that you can prepare yourself well and can ensure your success in a job interview. If you act upon them, you would have better chances of winning the race of a job interview.

Ø  Reach the venue in time and wait patiently for your call.

Ø  Be brief and spontaneous in your responses.

Ø  Present the relevant matter in an organized way.

Ø  Support your views with mature and proper arguments.

Ø  Use humor in your answers, if possible.

Ø  Be honest in referring to events, situations and experiences.

Ø  Be your usual self to feel at ease with the situation.

Ø  Pay close attention to the interviewer's questions, statements, and comments.

Ø  Be perceptive of the signals that the body language of the interviewer may give.

Ø  Speak in a conversational style, avoiding pedantic verbosity.

Ø  Ensure that your body language does not show any oddities such as blinking of the eyes, raising the eyebrows, playing with the keys or pen in your pocket, putting the fingers in front of your mouth, etc.

Ø  Show utmost courtesy both in manners and speech.

To avoid a negative impact you should take certain precautions; these are as follows.

Ø  Do not give irrelevant information.

Ø  Do not give excessive details about the topic under discussion.

Ø  Do not try to change the topic under discussion.

Ø  Avoid hasty generalizations.

Ø  Do not give any evasive reply in a bid to hide your ignorance.

Ø  Avoid long pauses while speaking.

Ø  Do not keep smiling all the time.

Ø  Do not make a slighting reference to the persons with whom you have worked in the past.

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